Phone Addiction

Are you addicted to your phone?
Take this simple 1-minute test to find out!

Why are people always on their phones? If you find yourself asking this question, you’re not alone. Back in the day, when very few people owned mobile phones, there wasn’t much that these phones could do apart from calling and texting. However, in order to cater to an increasingly demanding consumer base, and in a […]

If you have ever wondered why cellphones should not be allowed in school, you’re not alone. As it turns out, handing your child a smartphone is not-so-smart parenting. According to the CDC, smartphone use may be to blame for unintentional childhood injuries and misbehavior during mealtimes, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. According […]

There’s a growing number of research that suggests phones kill relationships. This is not far from the truth once you realize that the average person tends to spend close to 3 hours on their smartphone per day (not to mention the time spent on their laptop and watching Netflix). To put that into perspective, that […]

There has been a lot of noise over cell phone radiation effects on the brain. While much of it is true, there are flawed assumptions as well. Here, we discuss the risks of cell phone radiation on your brain. Cell phones have come a long way during the last decade. What started as the smartphone […]

Cell phone effects on health has become one of the most widely discussed topics. While you must have heard a lot about how cell phones can negatively affect your health, there isn’t much talk about its positive effects. Is cell phone really all bad for your health? With more than 257 million users in the […]

How cell phones affect students’ grades? This is something many parents and teachers constantly worry about. Getting a quick peek on your phone might seem harmless but it can be rather distracting, especially for students during classes. The importance of mobile phones in education is a much debated topic. A recent study has indicated that […]

While there is a general perception that the increasing use of cell phones has only negatively impacted our lives, the truth is that there are many positive effects of mobile phones as well. Wondering how they are positively impacting our lives? We have got you covered – here we discuss all the positives of cell […]

“I accidentally slept on my phone, will I get cancer?” This is a common question that pops up in the mind when someone falls asleep with the phone next to the head. If you have slept on top of your phone or fallen asleep with your phone next to your head, you are not alone. […]

The positive effects of mobile phones on youth shouldn’t be ignored. Many parents and teachers tend to focus on the negative aspect of mobile phone usage by youths. But the mobile phone usage shouldn’t be looked upon as a vice. Most adolescents consider mobile phones to be an integral part of the daily life. Young […]

The awareness about cell phone radiations has paved way to another question: Do cell phones emit radiation in airplane mode? Research shows that cell phone radiation levels pose health hazards but it might not be the case in airplane mode. Health experts highlighted that radiations from phone are harmful for the body. These radiations are […]

Do cell phones emit radiation when not in use? This is indeed a very important question to think about. We will look at some key information in order to separate fact from fiction about cell phone effects on human health. Cell phone is one of the best inventions made by man. Our phones have made […]

Are you carrying your cell phone too close to your body? It is important to learn how to maintain a safe distance from cell phone radiation. Not many people are aware of how far cell phone radiation travels. Are you? Most people are unaware of the dangers of cell phone radiation. It can have a […]

While there are many benefits of mobile phones – being close to your loved ones, infotainment, helpful in emergency situations, the negative effects of mobile phones on society are largely ignored. Mobile phones have become an important part of our lives. No one can imagine a day without looking at their mobile screen. You might […]

The constant attachment to our smartphones prompts many to ask the question “is sleeping next to your cell phone bad?” The bad news is that constantly sleeping with cell phone on nightstand could be potentially bad for your health. In the last few years, it has become a trend for smartphone owners to sleep with […]

One of the most important questions you need to know the answer to is “How to avoid radiation from cell phones?” Cell phone radiation can be harmful for our health. Learn how to protect yourself and others from it. Cell phones have brought about a lot of convenience to us. They’re probably the most important […]

The positive effects of cellphones in school should not be ignored. If you are a teacher thinking about banning cellphones in class – or have already done so, you should reconsider the decision. Banning cellphones in school will make students miss out on a lot of benefits. Their usage can aid rather than hinder the […]

Lately, there has been an increasing concern about the bad effects of smartphone, on both individual and societal levels. Parents, teachers, guardians, and different organizations are highly apprehensive about the impact of smartphones and mobile devices on human health and life. This has led to many research studies and surveys to examine the cause and […]

No matter how bad your phone addiction is, the right phone addiction treatment plan can help with your recovery. Phone addiction, just like other addictions, can impact your behavior as well as financially, socially, physically and emotionally. Recovering from an addiction can be a major challenge, especially if you have already tried a few treatment […]

Do you know there are numerous positive effects of mobile phones on students? Many would argue that mobile phones are impacting students in a negative way. But is that really true? Indeed the prevalence of mobile phones has started the debate on the negative aspects of this technology on students. However, the advantages of using […]

Mobile phones have become widespread, and you can’t help but wonder about the side effects of mobile phones on students. This technology has taken over the younger generation by storm. There is no kid walking around without a mobile in hand. It is a common sight to see students hurdled together, not talking while their […]

There is growing concern about phone addiction, and sometimes it’s hard to take a step back to assess your own level of addiction. The following phone addiction test is composed of 25 questions. It will help evaluate your relationship with your phone to determine if you have healthy habits or if it’s time to make […]

Do you think using a cell phone will make an addict more calm or more excited? (Hint: it’s probably not what you think.) More about that in a minute, but first, let’s take a look at the way we use technology these days. It should come as no surprise to anyone: with all of the […]

Do you know the long-term health risks linked to phone overuse? You will be shocked when you see the list. More about that below… Up until a few years ago no one ever gave any real consideration to the idea of smartphone or cellphone addiction. The smartphone was not quite as popular as it has […]

Ask yourself the following 25 questions. If you answer “yes” to more than half, you are most likely addicted to your phone, and you should seek professional help. It is hard to imagine the world that is today that a person would not have some type of cellphone or smartphone to use on a regular […]

Do you know how many text messages a phone addict can send in a single day? In a matter of just a few years smartphones seem to have taken over not only the technology world but the rest of the world as well. Millions of people around the globe own a smartphone today and use […]

Phone overuse can lead to 3 serious mental illness. Read on to discover if you’re at risk before it’s too late. In today’s society it seems almost like it is second nature to have some type of cellphone or smartphone in front of you all of the time. There are many people who can conduct […]

There is a single item that will completely stop your phone addiction when you’re out with friends. You will never guess what it is, so read on. People often tend to use their phones absentmindedly while they are out with friends. While this habit is acceptable in minimal amounts, excessive use of cell phones while […]

Barack Obama is most likely a phone addict: the proof is inside this article! “Put down your phone and step away from it.” How many times have you heard someone say something similar to someone else? However, you also may not be a saint when it comes to cell phone usage. In fact, you and […]

At least 3 of these phone addiction symptoms will be completely new to you. You might be shocked to discover which ones… A staggering amount of people, especially teens, are addicted to smartphones. This increased usage of smartphones has led to a lot of physical and psychological effects that are harmful for the well-being of […]

Almost 52% of the mobile phone users will show all of these 25 signs of serious phone addiction. What about you? There is no doubt that life without phones would be difficult. We need them for daily purposes including socializing, making and receiving important calls, staying in touch, and the like. However, some people know […]

For every 100 hours that you spend talking on the phone, you drastically increase the risk of brain cancer. Do you want to know by how much you’re increasing that risk? I’ll get back to that in a minute, but first, let me tell you this: smartphones are addictive. Most of us will find ourselves […]

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